Tuesday 15 March 2016

सावित्र्युपाख्यानम् - 3.293.6

सावित्र्युपाख्यानम् - 293-299 वनपर्व महाभारतम् (पतिव्रता-माहात्म्य-पर्व) (गीताप्रेस्-गोरखपुर)
श्लोकः - 3.293.6

यज्वा दानपतिर्दक्षः पौरजानपदप्रियः ।
पार्थिवोऽश्वपतिर्नाम सर्वभूतहिते रतः ॥6॥

यज्वा दानपतिः दक्षः पौर-जानपद-प्रियः । पार्थिवः अश्वपतिः नाम सर्वभूतहिते रतः ॥

अश्वपतिः नाम पार्थिवः यज्वा दानपतिः दक्षः पौर-जानपद-प्रियः सर्वभूतहिते रतः (च आसीत्) ॥6॥

अश्वपतिः = Aśvapati (name)
नाम = named
पार्थिवः = king
यज्वा = performer of sacrifices
दानपतिः = great giver of donations
दक्षः = able, competent, expert, clever, skillful
पौर-जानपद-प्रियः = dear to citizens and countrymen (both)
सर्वभूतहिते = in benefit of all beings
रतः = one who is indulged in


वे यज्ञ करनेवाले, दानाध्यक्ष, कार्यकुशल, नगर और जनपदके लोगोंके परम प्रिय तथा समूर्ण भूतोंके हितमें तत्पर रहनेवाले भूपाल थे । उनका नाम अश्वपति था॥६॥

The king named Aśvapati was performer of sacrifices, foremost among donors, skilled, dear to all citizens and country men (alike), and was indulged in doing benefit to all beings (not only just humans).

[All good qualities apt to be a king are found in Aśvapati. यज्ञs ensured well-being from devatā’s side. He himself also was skillful enough to take care of people. As a consequence, he became beloved to his subjects. Good bondage between ruler and the ruled ensures the total well-being of any nation.]

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